Stan Harstine, Ph.D.

Biblical Perspectives on Pressing Matters

Oversimplification of the Bible

Oversimplification of the Bible

Originally published 8/11/2010

I have had several conversations this past week that have revolved (that's a Greek Perfect... an action completed in the past that still impacts the present) around the same topic: the oversimplification of God and/or the Bible. It is common for a child who is learning a new, complex concept to want to get it in a simple terms and ideas initially. It is even common for adults, who learned a concept at an early age, but have not pursued further knowledge in that area to maintain a simplistic discussion. For example, my son took Anatomy and Physiology. He speaks of various specific muscles and muscle groups when I refer to my calf or shoulder muscles hurting.

What is unusual is that someone who would claim to be a follower of Jesus would be content maintaining a simplified view of God or of the Bible. Although not wrong, such a perspective is deficient. The biggest problem is it leads to the attitude that since I understand God or the Bible in a simplistic way, that I understand God or the Bible completely. Although I might be able to discuss the makeup of an atom as possessing a nucleus and protons and/or electrons, that doesn't mean that I understand subatomic physics.

If God is the God who created this world we live in, and has been seeking humans for fellowship ever since, then is it possible that this God is more complex than our human mind can fathom?

Just a random thought this morning.

Updated January 31, 2021