Stan Harstine, Ph.D.

Biblical Perspectives on Pressing Matters

Random Theological Thought Patterns

Random Theological Thought Patterns

Originally published 5/10/2010

During my recent mental excursions I was pondering Genesis 2:15-3:22, specifically the first and last verses, and how to relate this theological account to a contemporary (careful not to confuse that adjective with the less specific 'modern') audience. My circuitous route took me from Genesis to the Gospel of John and its strongly characterized relationship in chapter 1 with Genesis 1. The punishment for Adam and Eve's failure to adhere to the gardener's instruction was to be removed from the presence of a single tree.

The tree under consideration is called the "tree of life" whereby the fruit when consumed gives life. It then became clear to me that Jesus, as presented in the Gospel of John, provides life, appearing a mere 36 times in 32 different verses. Of greater consideration is that it appears 32 times in the first 12 chapters.

The result of Genesis 2 is denial of access to the tree of life, the result of Jesus' coming is access to life, not in the form of a tree, but in the form of Jesus. The reason for the removal of Adam and Eve from the garden was to prevent them from "eating" the fruit that gives life and living forever, the invitation of John 6:41 is to eat and live forever.

I find it irrational that a contemporary reader of John's Gospel can seek to find meaning, true meaning, fulfilling meaning, in the Gospel without also becoming aware of the Old Testament messages. The two walk hand in hand.

Updated January 31, 2021