Stan Harstine, Ph.D.

Biblical Perspectives on Pressing Matters

Learning the Bible, Part Two

Learning the Bible, Part Two

Originally Published 6/22/2009

After discussing the Pendulum effect, I had a variety of thoughts so I'll stick to the most pertinent. Pendulum's are amazing things. They are attached at a "pivot" and consist of a "bob" and a "rod" that suspends from the pivot and is attached to the "bob." In my reflections on the previous post it became apparent that the analogy used implies that the "pivot" would be God, the "bob" us, making the "rod" something that connects us with God, let's call that faith just for fun.

Then I went to this amazing site (actually, not so amazing but it was an early hit on a Google search) that made this statement: "The pendulum must be suspended from a rigid support. During operation, any elasticity in the support will allow tiny imperceptible swaying motions of the support, which disturbs the clock's period, resulting in error." (Wikipedia: Pendulum, 6.22.2009)

So one moral of the story is: "If your life is going to be lived as a pendulum, be sure your support is solid!"

A second goes like this: "The closer the bob is on the rod to the support, the shorter the period of oscillation (the time it takes to travel the distance traveled between the extremes)."

Updated January 31, 2021